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Cross-Collateral Deposits

Drift supports cross-collateral token deposits, specifically: USDC and SOL. These can be used for margin within the Perpetuals Markets.

By default, markets are quoted in USD and P&L is settled in USDC. All tokens deposited within the protocol can earn yield via Borrow/Lend. Until unrealised P&L is settled into your Balances, it will not earn (if profits) or be charged (if losses) the deposit/borrow interest respectively.

Below is a table of assets supported by Drift Protocol.

Each asset counts towards margin for derivatives trading and has a weight applied to account for their respective volatilities.

For instance, depositing USDC gives users a 1:1 margin for derivatives trading, but depositing SOL (80% asset weight) means that 80% of the value of your SOL at the opening of your position will be available as margin for perpetual futures trading.

Margin Parameters

AssetInitial Asset WeightMaintenance Asset WeightInitial Liability WeightMaintenance Liability WeightIMF Factor
wBTC (portal)80%90%120%110%0.105
wETH (portal)80%90%120%110%0.025

The IMF Factor acts as a discount on account size:

Initial Asset Weight on 2000 SOL Collateral (using above) would be:

weight = min (.80, 1.1 / [ 1 + (0.003 * sqrt(2000)] )

= min(.80, ~.96987) = .80

An asset's liability weight can be converted into an LTV ratio using:

ltv = 1 / liability weight

AssetInitial LTVMax LTV

Based on these parameters, along with other parameters such as the oracle price, token decimals, etc, Drift can dynamically calculate deposits to be scaled on their initial asset weights. As a reference, you can check out the SpotMarket get_scaled_initial_weight_asset function.